BMW e46 sedan panel installation

Approximate installation time: 1.5 hour/s.
Necessary tools: Drill, 3 or 3.5mm + 6mm drill bit, star screwdriver, 10mm socket or socket.
Installation difficulty: Easy (basic mechanical knowledge).
As you will see, the installation is quite simple, but it requires some patience and checking that everything is in place to ensure that everything is as it should. Don't rush and make sure you follow the steps. A correct installation always guarantees a better result.
The first thing we must do is identify the screws and hardware.
For the front panels:
- 4.8mm sheet metal screws to fix the panels to the door.
- M5x12 screws to attach the moldings to the panel + M5 washers and nuts.
- M6 screws + spacers + M6 nuts and washers for installing the opening lever.
Steps to follow:
1.- Remove the plastic clip that supports the wiring because at this point we will install the opening lever.
2.- Use the long M6 screw along with a washer and put it from the inside of the door. Place another washer and its nut and tighten the assembly:
3.- Use one more washer and 2 of the black spacer bushings:
Insert the lever into the hole, add one more washer and tighten the nut just until the lever is straight but without slowing its movement, this way we will ensure that the opening cable returns properly to its place when we activate the mechanism.
Once we have secured the lever, we will place one more nut with which we will provide greater security that the nut that supports the lever does not loosen with its movement (make the counter-nut until adjusted):
Use one of the black bushings we designed for the opening cable. This bushing is placed to prevent wear of the original plastic and prolong the life of the assembly. It must be installed as is in the following image, which you can also use as a reference to see the position of the assembly as well as the lever itself:
Check that the system acts properly, closing and opening the door several times and even closing the latch. At this point it is advisable to use some spray lubricant in the rotation area of ​​the lever, as well as on the opening cable itself to guarantee perfect operation.
Now that we still do not have the panel installed, we proceed to place the strap that will serve as a handle to close the door. It is important that it is placed the same as shown in the image, so that when pulling, it does not interfere with the panel:
Once we have installed the opening system, we proceed to install the rest of the assembly starting with the panel moldings using the metric 5 screws along with washers and nuts:
Place the panel on the door, inserting the lever into its slot as well as the OEM latch latch. Center the door with the axis of the lever itself, which must be centered in the hole so that you can then place the plug that fits into the nut itself:
Mark and drill all the holes to secure the panel to the door. It is recommended to use a 3 or 3.5mm drill bit (maximum) and be careful that the self-tapping screws fit straight. As an important detail, it is recommended to be careful when drilling in this specific area, since the surface is small, and everything must be well centered:
Drill the rest of the holes and fix the panel to the door, remembering that you must place one of the black bushings on the screw on the back, so that the panel does not deform when tightening the screw as much as possible:
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To assemble the rear panels you will have to repeat a similar process, except for the "hardware" of the opening lever, which is slightly different.
In this case we will have to make the hole ourselves. We have located the exact point where you should make the hole, which is one of the point-welded joints that the door uses in its manufacturing process, so it is relatively easy to identify it by following the following images. Make sure the hole is well centered and that you use a 6 or 6.5mm drill bit (maximum):
Once the hole is made, we repeat the lever assembly process following these steps:
Screw + washer from inside the door:
Use one more washer and fix it with a nut:
Place one more washer and one of the spacer bushings. Before placing the lever, proceed here with the assembly of the anti-wear bushing of the lever, and fit the cable into the lever itself and this into the shaft.
Add a washer, tighten with the nut until it is secure but has free movement and secure with a locknut:
Place the handle strap at this specific point and remember to attach it in reverse (hanging from above):
At this point we must proceed to install the moldings on the panel again using the metric 5 screws along with washers and nuts.
It is important that when placing the panel, you mark the points where you have to drill, since some areas must have precise holes due to the little surface area we have (see the following images):
Center everything well, make sure that the lever and the system work correctly, take the opportunity to lubricate the cable and shaft of the lever and proceed to drill the rest of the holes until it is secure:


The installation of these panels involves the removal and replacement of elements that directly affect safety as well as the removal of airbags and the car's original opening system and their replacement with a different system.

If your intention is to use it in a competition or street car, make sure that these modifications comply with either the current regulations or the homologation requirements for cars that circulate on public roads.

We are not responsible for poor assembly or installation or for damages that may be caused by their use and/or installation.

If you purchase this product, we assume that you have understood and accept these conditions as well as the conditions that must be accepted to proceed with the purchase of any of our products.

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